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Nicole Leigh Foster
Regional Director of BIRTHFIT South Bay
CPT, BIRTHFIT Coach, Yoga Teacher, Leadership Coach,
Athleta Ambassador, Wife +Mama
Nicole is a fitness trainer, a prenatal/postpartum yoga teacher, a personal development coach and new mama who thrives off of connection, movement and mindfulness. She discovered BIRTHFIT while searching for support on having an active, mindful, healthy pregnancy and contiued to practice the 4-pillars througout her pregnancy and postpartum journey. BIRTHFIT embodies all that Nicole values which is why she wanted to bring BIRTHFIT to the South Bay Beach Cities.
"I am inspired to lead you to your own AWESOMENESS - to empower you to create and live your own, unique, extraordinary life - complete with choice and personal power. I am motivated to create a sense of 'whole' community that thrives off of connection, mindfulness and movement."
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